About Us
We are in the business of helping investors make good real estate investments. We strive to make every investment as streamlined as possible by coaching our investors through every step and process. We have lenders, contractors, property management companies, etc. that know and understand how to contribute their services to make our investors successful.
We have been in the real estate investing business for years and are very careful to make sure we wholesale properties that will either resell or lease well. We actually operate one of the most highly ranked websites in Atlanta for leasing - AtlantaLeasePurchase.net. We feel the ability to help investors place lease purchasers and renters in their investment properties helps set us apart from other wholesalers.
In addition, we have a sister company - ProServe Home Solutions, LLC that does a phenomenal job rehabbing investment properties at an extremely competitive price and within a reasonable time frame.
Lastly, we assist our investors in obtaining financing. In this very difficlut mortgage climate, we have the contacts and the relationships to make the financing of an investment proerty as smooth as possible
You put all of this together and you have a truly turn-key system for successfully investing in real estate! No other company makes investing so simple!
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